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How to use a signal mirror?

miroir de signalisation

A signal mirror is an essential piece of survival equipment for sailing at sea. You should get one before you go fishing. In addition, you need to know how to use the tool to help you get out of trouble at sea. Here are some points to check to facilitate the use of a signal mirror.

Principle of the signal mirror

Before buying a signaling mirror, you should know that the product is in the form of a lens. It sends a signal if there is a problem with your boat. You will certainly need it if you have to fish in the open sea.

The principle of use is to cancel the fault through the typical mirror of the boat. For this reason, this type of equipment is made with only one hole. In any case, the use of the mirror is not random. Take the time to choose the right model.

When to use a signal mirror?

A signal mirror can save your life if you get lost at sea. You just need to use it correctly to make it easier for rescuers to find you. You have two options for using the product. You should scan the horizon with the equipment if you do not see any help in the distance.

You will probably end up attracting the attention of the rescuers. You may also spot rescuers, but they do not see you. In this case, it is advisable to point the mirror directly at them. Also send a signal so that they can identify you.

Use your mirror correctly

It is important to hold the equipment with your fingers, ensuring that your limbs are aligned at the edges. The mirror should also face the sun to get the reflection you will be using. You can then tilt the equipment with your hand blocking the sunlight. This helps to focus the light towards the rescuers.

Then remember to bring the mirror up to your face and look through the hole. Aim the mirror at the rescue team to see where you are. Also make sure that the sighting hole is in the same place as the bright light. You will have to stretch your arm if the sun is not shining very brightly. It may also be lower on the horizon.

All that remains is to choose the mirror you need

There are a few things to consider before buying a signal mirror for your boat. Check the size of the equipment you want to buy before making a decision. Choose a large enough model that fits comfortably in your hands. You can perfectly well choose a two-by-three inch mirror as long as it has a small hole in the centre.

You can also prioritise plastic for the construction of the product. This is because you can handle the product without hurting yourself. On the other hand, glass allows sunlight to be reflected more easily. You will need a bubble bag to carry the equipment. This will prevent it from being broken.

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